Hi everyone! Hope you guys had a great holidayJ We capped off our great weekend yesterday by officially welcoming in the summer season with all of your picnic basics:
Complete with the first corn of the season! (and it was actually good!!)
I rounded out our picnic (HELD INDOORS! I am NOTTTT a fan of picnics when it's 400 degrees out!side Who thought those were a good idea anyway, huh??? 400 degrees does NOT make me want to eat a cheeseburger. Hold picnics in the SPRING & FALL, folks!) with a patriotically blue blueberry pie with crumble top...
This recipe seriously could not be easier! I didn't have a piece, but I heard it was really goodJ.
Because I spent MY "dessert budget" on a slice of Pioneer Woman's "Best Chocolate Sheet Cake Ever"...
That's all American, right??? I think I let it sit in the fridge a bit too long, as it was SUPER thick & tough to cut into...BUT the result was a brownie/chocolate bar hybrid. Can't go wrong there, no? J (My friend said it was definitely better than the self proclaimed NYC "Best Chocolate Cake in the World"J)
Annnyyyway...after pancakes, ice cream and chocolate cake and one too many bites of frosting, it was back to the grind today! Here's how I wrapped up my week's workouts:
Monday: Weight Loss Yoga- Yoga 1
Wednesday: 30 minutes dance + weights + 45 minute lunch walk
Thursday: 30 minute Power Yoga
Friday: Yoga Meltdown-Level 2 + 2 1/2 mile (33 minutes) treadmill walk/jog (walked 1/2 of a quarter mile and jogged the other half...x 10:)
Sunday: 1 hour boxing class
Now boxing class was an interesting one this week. What you usually do in class is pair up with someone on a punching bag, so while one person gets a turn doing the punching combinations, the other person is holding the bag for you and then you switch places. But sometimes when the class is crowded, it becomes 3 people to a bag, so you punch, hold the bag and then shadow box or jump around while the last person goes. So LAST Sunday, that was the case...and I was all like "ohhhh...this is gonna be too easy. I'm not gonna get a good workout in." WRONG-O! Last week, for whatever reason, KICKED. MY. ASS! I almost didn't think I was going to make it through class! Completely dead tired when it was over.
Soooo imagine what I thought when I walked into a LESS crowded class this Sunday and ended up at the bag BY MYSELF! You know what that means?? That means no "break" of getting to hold it for someone, you are just going straight through the combinations going for a minute to 2 straight (which is a LOOOOOONG time when you're swingin at full power!) I nearly walked out! I thought FOR SURE there was no way I was going to make it through the whole class. So imagine my shock when I didn't collapse after class! I actually had more energy the enttirreee time! I certainly PACED myself better, but I made it through and I was SUPER proud! Again, proves the point of 'you never know what you can handle unless you try!"
And just to tie everything together: I though my "back to normalcy" breakfast & lunch for today looked perfectly patriotic for the seasonJ
I stocked my fridge all up this week with tons of Chobani yogurts and LOTS of fresh fruits & veggies. My goal is for NONE of it to go bad....which means we'll be reaching for the healthy stuff a lot quicker than anything else in the kitchenJ hahahahhahahaha...
Alright, you've heard enough from me. Have a great day and remember: It's TUESDAY already! J