Monday, September 16, 2013

A weekend of...

Morning, everyone!  Hope you guys had a fun weekend!

Ours included:

The FIFTH annual 'everyone brings a dish' Wine & Cheese party...

Complete with lots of cheese...

Pumpkin Mac & Cheese and crab dip...

Grilled brie with honey & spinach artichoke dip... 

 And the first year that nearly ALL of the wine was consumed... J

 And seasonal desserts like pumpkin cannolis...

...and baked apple crisp with melty ice cream... 

There was also strolling at the farmer's market...

The first signs of FALL produce... 

TRIPLE bacon peach & brie quesadillas...yeee... 

Shared cheese danish... 

Strolling in the park in the beautiful, brisk weather...

And stopping to smell the flowers...

And finished off with a dinner that used up some fresh market tomatoes...

....briefly marinated... 

...and served along with some homemade chicken nachos... 

...and drizzled with balsamic... 

Sorry for the briefly-worded recap...but a few days of lousy sleep towards the end of last week (3 hours TOTAL one night!) has finally resulted in 2 days of being SUPER tired and trying to catch back up.  Probably doesn't help that today is a TOTALLY gloomy day and my 'seasonal allergies' have ramped up until they adjust to the change of weather (a small price to pay for the brisk gorgeousness, in my opinionJ)  Even though salad is usually our dinner du jour on Mondays, it's totally going to be a soup night in this house!  And I think I have a fun SEASONAL ideaJ

Stay tuned...and have a great Monday! 

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