Thursday, July 24, 2014

Hidden treasure....

Wednesday Recap:

9:30am:  Breakfast- Protein Pancake with peanut butter & maple

Morning Workout:  Power Yoga

1:00pm:  Lunch- Smoothie in a bowl
In the mix:

3:00pm:  Snack- 8 chocolate covered almonds

5:00pm:  Dinner- Basil Tomato Zucchini Soup with a 'hidden treasure'
I wish I could tell you this was made with fresh Jersey tomatoes...but we already used up our supply for the weekJ  Instead I sauteed a diced onion and 2 cloves of garlic before adding:

 The zucchini was a last minute addition since it was lingering in my fridge and I didn't want it to go bad, so I thought "Why not?"

Gave the soup lots more texture not to mention tons of nutrition.  I let the soup come to a boil and then lowered it to a simmer for about 30 minutes. 

I ladled the soup into the bowl, but not before adding the 'hidden treasure':  A blend of ricotta & grated cheese!  YUM!  
You could just add the ricotta and grated cheese to the soup, but I just love digging in and finding the little cold pocket of cheese.  

And even though soup wasn't SUPER appropriate for the end of July, Katie was happy to see it return to the menu and proclaimed "I LOVE SOUP!"J 

Evening Workout:  Body Jam
So fun last night...especially since I was THISCLOSE to skipping out.  

8:00pm:  Snack- Roasted Chickpeas & Cheese
Katie nearly ate my entire snack, bouncing around the house saying "I LOVE CHICKPEAS!"

Let's just say I ain't hatin on this stage where she's "LOVING" everything.  Don't even get me started about when she told me "I LOVE CHRISTMAS!"

Stick a fork in me.  I was DONE!

Well, today's a special day since it's Nona's birthday!  We still don't know how we're celebrating, but I'm sure it will involve TREATSJ

Have a great Thursday!

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