Friday, July 18, 2014

A kid & her animals...

Sooooooo....ahem, remember I told you guys Katie & I were getting OUT to enjoy the unseasonably pleasant/NON-HUMID day yesterday??

Well, what if I told you I did allllllllll that and forgot one important element of this blog known as FOODPHOTOS?????  Ummmmmm....oppsJ  There wasn't too much anyway, but in case you're not interested in an overwhelming amount of photos of a 2-year old, I'd stop reading nowJ

Otherwise, proceed as normalJ

So after downing some blueberries Perfect Fit pancakes, Katie & I packed up and headed over to Howell Living History Farm in Lambertville, NJ.  The previous owner donated the land to the county and it still stands as an example of a working farm from the late 1800's.  Pretty cool, no?  And even's CAPITAL F:  FREE!

Non-interest in history at the moment aside, Katie loved payin a visit to some sheep.... Ox (all while whistling for it to "Come here, Ox!") well as the chickens & pigs.  Not only does Howell Farms give you a quiet & peaceful glimpse of the "Garden" part of the Garden State, you definitely feel like you've stepped back in time.  There are plenty of farmers dressed in authentic wares working and wandering around to answer questions about the time period.  And, as you could imagine, Katie had ZERO interest in this at the moment.  All the girl wanted to see was HORSES, after she caught an all-too brief glimpse as a hayride passed through the farmJ

So, with that, I packed her up and headed to where I KNEW there would be horses:  Terhune Orchard!  (and ummm...yes, I'm aware that photo isn't of horsesJ)
Don't even get me started on how this nonseasonal (for us!) trip to Terhune caused MAJOR "Fall anticipation" pangs, but Katie didn't seem to notice as she greeted the locals...

(and Daddy, who was able to get out of work & join usJ)

...and went for a spinJ
As much as I'm "embracing summer" this heart is just BURSTING as I CAN'T CAN'T CAN'T wait till we get back there decked out in our jeans & sweatshirts...weeeeeeeeeeeee!

And after all this 'farm life,' we needed lunch/dinner BAD and headed over to our favorite Issac Newton's.  And I was so hungry that the thought of taking a picture of my burger didn't even PASS my mind  (I still don't even know how this happens given I run a FOOD BLOG!)  But after I glanced up for inhaling my lunch, I DID manage to get a shot of Katie enjoying her lunch of carrot & celery sticks with ranch dipJ
I liked that they had this option on the kids menu, since she'll eat anything as long as she can DIP it, and why not veggies while I can still 'sneak em' in her right???....and trust, she also gots to sample plenty of my fries DIPPED in ketchup tooJ

This was where our food story ended anyway yesterday, so ya didn't miss too muchJ  After getting home, it was time to pack Katie up for her FIRST SWIM CLASS (finallyJ).  She liked it...for the first 15 minutesJ  Till she actually had to start following 'instructions' and then it was all "NO SWIM CLASS!!!!"  (headstrong much??), but she pulled it together enough to kick her legs, attempt to float, sing a few songs, leap off the ledge, paddle to catch a ball and leave telling everyone "I love swim class!"  1 down, 5 more to goJ  We'll see how next week's attempt goesJ

ALRIGHT, well that was a WHOLE lotta KATIE for one blogJ  Hope you guys don't mind my recap...but it was ALL that happened yesterdayJ  I ain't got nothin else for youJ  Today's another nice day, so I'm toying with the idea of taking her blackberry (one of her FAVORITES!) picking after my power yoga this morning.  Thought that would be a fun way to kick off the weekend.  Hope you guys have some fun plans on the horizon.

Have a great one!!

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