Tuesday, July 8, 2014

True American Summer...

Hey, ya'll!  Hope you guys had a GREAT 4th of July weekend!  Do I even need to say it FLEW by???  I'm sure you're all feeling the effects of "Hurricane TIMEFLYIN" as much as meJ

We had not one picnic with good eats...

...um, what says AMERICA like FRITO CORN SALAD??...

...but TWO picnics with lots of good laughsJ

All capped off with Katie's FIRST fireworks show!  
She's STILL talking about how they were noisy, but LOTS of "pretty colors"J

I also did the damn thing of a TRUE American summer and hit the Jersey shore again on Sunday.  By my estimation, I don't think I've skipped a week since Memorial Day.  WHOAMI???

...THIS WEEK'S Asbury Park exceptionally good boardwalk eats included 1/2 a cheesesteak from Tony's...

...and a good ole root beer float from "Just Another Day's Ice Cream"....

And after WAY too many Fritos (among a zillion other things!) this weekend, it was time to just get back on the wagon and FAST this morning!  My 'eating day' wasn't as balanced as I'd like, but the fact that I woke up sore from head to toe from killer workout sessions makes me feel a little more OK about that factJ

Monday Recap:

9:30am:  Almond & Coconut KIND bar

Morning Workout:  Cardio Kickboxing
I had absolutely ZERO interest in getting to this class yesterday.  So much so that I sat, FULLY DECKED IN GYM CLOTHES, in my car and was trying to think of ANYTHING ELSE that I 'should' be doing besides getting through this class.  I was dreading it alllllll the way up until I put my hand on the door and then, before I knew it, I was going 120% and giving it my all.  In the end, I felt like I KILLED it and totally forgot how much I was dreading it.  How would I have felt if I had skipped?  Lazy & defeated...and I knew it.  And that was the ONLY reason I wasn't able to convince myself to skip.  Definitely a good example of when I knew I was just being lazy rather than REALLY needing a break.  The result will always clue you in...but it's ALWAYS better to get that workout under your belt before you figure it outJ

2:00pm:  Lunch- Banana with peanut butter, granola & honey on multigrain wrap

Mmmmmmm...I know dinners are supremely healthy and fresh when THIS is what happens to my cutting board ...

But after all that chip-chopping, this dinner came together soooo quick.  It was one pan of gnocchi, crisped up until golden on the outside and soft on the inside (about 8+ minutes, or so.) 

And pan #2 with a quick saute of zucchini, fresh corn, diced onion, minced garlic & fresh basil (+ a little evaporated milk & grated cheese).  I usually OVER-saute my veggies and made sure to only let these fire up for about 4 minutes or so and LOVEEEDDD the texture and taste of all the FRESH veggies. 

Top the gnocchi with the veggie mix and dinner is SERVED!  Again, we LOVED all of the fresh flavors from these veggies that are at the PEAK of summer-fabulousness.  And the crisp gnocchi were a nice bed to hold all of these flavors together.  Scott FLIPPED over this one.  Me thinks it'll be making LOTS 'O appearances at our summer dinner table. 

Evening Workout:  Beginner's Power + Yin Yoga
An hour+ of power yoga followed by an hour+ of stretching moves.  Yin may look ABSURDLY easy from a 'viewers' perspective, but I STILL think it's the toughest form of yoga.  I usually end up walking out of there about 900000 degrees slower than when I walked in, but there's no better way to get all those muscles stretched & lengthened.  

Well, I should have some FUN eats to share with you tomorrow!  Hope you guys had a great weekend and have a good Tuesday!

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