Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Triple Green Day...

Monday Recap:

10:00am:  Breakfast- Cinnamon Bun Smoothie (made GREEN with added spinach)
Not sure if it was 'Katie's portion' that had been removed from there (she now knows one she hears the blender that it's time for 'SMOOOOTH!,' as she calls itJ) or that there wasn't a ton of protein mixed into this recipe, but by lunch time I was S-T-A-R-V-I-N-G!

12:00pm (SHARP!):  Lunch- "Happy Salad" 

And I must confess, I'm not sure if I was actually STILL hungry after the salad because I was VERYHUNGRY before I ate lunch....or it was the fact that I spied my leftover "carrot appetizer" (made out of my favorite Caramelized Garlic dip) in the fridge...but being I FELT like I was still hungry, it was MUCH easier to justify a few Ritz with GARLIC CHEESE to finish off the mealJ 

1:30pm:  "Snack #1"- Hot Lemon Water 
So confession time:  The afternoons have been soooooooooooo tough to fight cravings lately.  Unless I'm constantly moving and NOT thinking, 1-3pm had become SO DIFFICULT not to give into those sweet & salty cravings (honestly, sometimes it's only having to post my snacks on this blog that keep me in check!).  So I went back to 'ground zero' and started drinking my lemon water again, but this time in the afternoons.  Not only does it help stop cravings, but it gives me 'something to do' to keep from reaching for anything else.  Plus, you get to sip it which means it's a LONGER time you are 'kept busy.'  Usually lemon water is recommended for first thing in the morning, but since the afternoon is a tougher time for me and it's working so far:  I'M CHANGIN 'THE RULES'J

 3:30pm:  Snack #2- 2 tablespoons hummus with multi-grain tortilla chips
But just because there's LEMON WATER doesn't mean there's NO SNACKS!  I already had crackers as part of lunch, so tortilla chips weren't IDEAL.  BUT once I spied the olive hummus in the fridge, there was no going backJ  And with 8 multigrain chips coming in at 150 calories (and I'm guessing by the time you pieced all those crumbs together, I had about 5 chips) you still can have 'chips & dip' as part of a healthy snack.  The protein from the hummus completely satisfied me until dinner time.  Which wassssss...........

6:00pm:  Dinner- Kale & Wild Rice salad
As soon as I saw this recipe on Kristen's website last week, I knew I HAD to try it ASAP!

Pre-mixed with chicken breast, kale, warm brown rice, craisins, goat cheese, almonds, grapes (swapped from the apple because it's what we had on hand) & honey-balsamic dressing... 

And POST mixed... 
I LOVEEEEEED the little bites of nutty, chewy brown rice mixed in with the hearty kale, crunchy almonds, tangy craisins and don't get me even started on my LOVE of grapes + goat cheese (that salad is SOOO making an appearance next week!).  This salad was def one quickly added to the 'make often' list since it was SOOOOOOO good and sooooo packed with healthy ingredients.

Even the small one liked it... 

Oh yeah...the kid who DID NOT want stir-fry??  HOUSED the KALE SALAD.  I can't explain it. 

6:30-7:45pm:  Beginners Power Yoga
Even though I took a class Friday morning, with all the running around from Easter, it felt like I hadn't been to a workout in 8 years for some reason.  And it wasn't even until the END of class that I felt my strength/power coming back.  Another thing I can't explainJ

8:00pm:  Dessert =
A handful of these....
(notice all the RED are already gone and my interest in BEANS will be just about over once all my beloved PURPLE are gone too!)

+ 2 of these...
I have eaten FAR, FARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR to many of these mini eggs over the holiday season!  I didn't even really WANT dessert, but found these SOHARD to resist once I spied em on the table.  So I did what I do when I don't need the temptation:  I popped the rest in a bag and tossed em in the freezer.  Out of sight/out of mind works about 90% of the time for me, so that's a pretty easy way for me to keep treats at bay until the next time a TRUE chocolate craving hits.

Alrighty, well I better get my day started and get Katie out in the sunshine so she can run off some energyJ

Have a good Tuesday!J

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