Friday, April 25, 2014

Oat flour info overload...

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Thursday Recap:

11:00am:  Breakfast- 2 Lemon Blackberry Breakfast Cookies
So yesterday was a rare bird, in that I wasn't really hungry all day (despite CHUGGING lots o' water)  And on top of that, I didn't really know what I wanted for breakfast....well, except for one thingJ  I had planned on making these Lemon Blackberry Breakfast cookies later in the day, but when 10am rolled around and my hunger was still at bay, I knew these were the ONLY thing I REALLY wanted for I rolled up my sleeve and got to workJ

Blackberries were finally reasonably priced at the grocery store this week, so I picked up enough to make a 1/2 recipe of these cookies.  Problem?  The bananas I purchased were still WAY too green to make this recipe.  Solution???  A quick Pinterest search let me know that you can bake a banana at 350 degrees for a 1/2 hour and it will speed up the ripening process, so that they are sweet and ready to go for baking!  And it actually worked:
I know, I knowJ  Not really attractiveJ

Next, I put Katie to work whipping up these gluten, egg & dairy-free cookies (no one in our house is allergic to any of these, thankfully, but it never hurts to use 'better for you' ingredients if you're baking homemade anyways)

And for the record, I think I might be swapping oat flour for any white, wheat, etc in my 'healthier' baking recipes.  (This does not include holiday cookies & treats!  Don't get crazy now!J)  If you can't find it in the store, oat flour is as easy as tossing cup-for-cup of rolled oats into a food processor and whirling it up for a minute into fine flour. 
I find wheat flour DOES occasionally have an after taste (although wheat PASTRY flour is quite a bit smoother...although more expensive & harder to find), but oat flour is extremely mellow.   ...or maybe it's the fact that I just heart oats anyway, so even if it did have an aftertaste, I'd be OK with it..??

Is that more than you ever wanted or needed to hear about oat flour in one day/week/month??

OK, here's a picture of Katie waiting for the cookies to bake to change things up a bitJ
Photo: Waiting for our cookies to bake (and no, the door is not hot and it's locked󾍇)
(and no...the oven door is not hot and it's locked.  I'd be wondering the same if I saw this picJ)

Oh yeah...back to the cookiesJ.  So I don't find blackberries to be particularly sweet, but the honey/coconut oil/mashed banana/lemon zest cookies SURROUNDING said berries was just so perfectly sweet, that they made the whole cookie just scrumptious.  Perfect breakfast treat for the spring/summer months with its fresh, lemony flavor.

OH yeah, and since I HALVED the recipe...but didn't want the 1/2 BAKED banana to go to waste, I also made a 1/2 batch of Bethenny's Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies.  Cause...well, why not??J 

2:00pm:  Lunch- "Avocado Pickle Wrap"
I know, I know...weirdest thing in the world, but I am in LOVEEEE with this comboJ  My only swap from last time was to replace the turkey breast with a spread of olive hummus.  I know, that just bumped that up to EXTREME weirdness, but this combo just WORKS.
  • 1/2 tortilla (100 calories)
  • 1 Laughing Cow wedge
  • Thin spread of olive hummus
  • 1/4 sliced avocado
  • 1/2 sliced pickle

Plus, I think I just like any excuse to add more avocados & pickles into my daysJ  The 2 combined together are pretty epic-ly delishJ

3:00pm:  Snack- 1 Banana Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookie
Oh yeah...and back to those Banana Chocolate chip cookiesJ.  As much as I repeated the mantra of "you've already had cookies today, have a piece of fruit" 67 times, I just couldn't help but reach for one of these for a snack.  And OMG, they were so good.  The 1/18th piece of banana I probably got in that cookie probably counts as a fruit serving....right??J

6:00pm:  Dinner- Leftover Pizza & salad

Since Saturday night had just enough hints of Spring to pretend it was warmer out than it actually was (and I was beat from spending all day making PastiaJ), we spent it at our favorite little hidden gem: "The Pizza Kitchen" in Yardville.  And I say 'hidden gem,' because while this place does a GREAT take-out business -their tiny patio area out back is usually pretty deserted (perfect for a 'free to roam Katie') and the perfect place to have a pizza OUTSIDE without any crowds.  

Or maybe I shouldn't tell you thatJ  hahahhaha

ANYWAY, we split a Brooklyn Pie Saturday night (and the most PHENOMENAL buffalo waffle fries, pretty much EVER!  I'm sure we'll be back soon enough and I'll post a picture!) and had enough pizza leftover to get me out of cooking for the night...weeeeeeeeeeeee!

And while we ate pizza, we got to crack up in the hilarious phenomenon of the fact that they only thing Katie eats from "pizza & salad" night is the salad....AND THE PIZZA CRUST.  Seriously, this kid eats pizza BACKWARDS and stops once she reached the tomato & cheese...  
I'm sure she's not alone in this 'club,' but like most things your own kid does: we found this hilarious and fascinatingJ

And after that dinner, I knew I had enough with sweets for the day since I had the 3 cookies between breakfast & snack and called it a night.

Well...that all sounded good & right in my head.

But this little treat from my Easter basket was just TOOHARD to pass up!
And you probably would have enjoyed the fact that I had the GENIUS idea to microwave this for 10 seconds too long and it turned into a pool of melted chocolate and marshmallow all over the place.  But never fear, Momma still scooped up every last messy biteJ

That being said, the leftover Easter candy is going in the freezer, like, YESTERDAY!

7:00-8:15am:  Hatha Yoga
Hatha yoga falls somewhere between Gentle & Vinyasa, so ya kinda never know where it's gonna fall in the challenging scale.  Although with the announcement of there being a focus on CORE last night, I knew we were in for more of a challenge than usual and I was CO-RRECT.  I was pretty happy to get a bit of a tougher workout in after my day of....ummmmm...WAY too many treatsJ

Anyway...hope you guys have lots of fun plans this weekend.  Mine include scarfing MORE Lemon Blackberry cookies (as I just had 2 for breakfast THIS morning tooJ) and spending my Saturday with my Beyond Expectations family for a nice project.  I'll share more on Monday!

Have a GREAT WEEKEND, everyone!!J

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