Thursday, April 2, 2015

Mid-week fun...

Wednesday Update:

Workout:  Power Yoga class

Lunch:  Frozen yogurtJ
So Katie came with me to the gym yesterday and it was just TOO sunny out to go home right away after we were done.  So off to our favorite yogurt shop we went for 'lunch.'  Strawberry with fruit, granola & coconut for me...

...and all things PINK for KatieJ
If you can't tell from that outfit, PINK is her latest FAVORITETHINGEVER!  (don't even ASK me how many nights we've read her favorite book "Pinkabella" in a rowJ)

Snack:  2 Crispy Wheat & 2 Laughing cow cheese wedge 
Scott picked these up for me at the local farmer's market/grocery store in lieu of rice cakes, since they were out.  I had forgotten ALL about these SUPER low cal crispy cakes.  They weren't AS satisfying as rice cakes (ummm, who woulda thought THAT would be a legit sentence??J,) but they did hit the crispy/salty spot for just over 100 calories.  (102 to be exactJ)

Dinner:  2 tacos & yellow rice
Not the plan, but my explanation was:  Sometimes ya just gotta throw a 'fun one' in the middle of the weekJ  Turkey tacos with melted low-fat cheese ain't too bad on the waist line either.

Dessert:  More Ben & Jerry's Cores
I mean, I had YOGURT for lunch, so this is a legit dessert, right??J

It's supposed to be a beautiful one in Jersey today.  Get out and enjoy that sunshine if you can!  I'm crossing all my fingers & toes it's going to be warm for Easter....someones got her Easter best dress to wear, after allJ

Have a great Thursday!

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