Monday, April 27, 2015

How to avoid 'diet deprivation'...

Morning, all!  Hope you guys had a great weekend.  And much like most Mondays:  I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S MONDAY ALREADY!  This was definitely a 'get whipped up in a tornado and crash back into Monday kinda weekend'J  aka.- we were busy, but THANKFULLY, still got to relax a bit.  We got it kicked off proper with a trip Saturday morning to our fav 'brunch' place:  Tortilla 
Press...and um, a lesson in how much can change in under 2 years....

I had been thinking about it since I heard Katie's dance class was going to be cancelled for the weekend a couple weeks agoJ  So, yeah, I was excitedJ

We had all our favs, including the TODIEFOR cinnamon coated tortilla chips...

"Brunch nachos": aka- hash brown potatoes topped with peppers & onions, BACON, cheese, salsa, guacamole & sour cream....

And my 'savory' pick of the day:  Chilaquiles with a side of chorizo coins...because I seriously CAN NOT get enough of ALL THE CHORIZO
I enjoyed all of that while STILL managing to not go overboard and left 'just full' rather than "OHMYGODSTUFFED," which felt like a victory unto itselfJ  Scott was even surprised just HOW full he felt, even though he ate quite a bit less than usual.  He was full right until dinner, but I needed myself a mid-day pick-me-up in the form of this Blueberry Muffin smoothie.  This pic doesn't even do the beautiful purple hue justice...
Kristin had posted a recipe for a Strawberry Shortcake smoothie on Friday and I was SOEXCITED to try it that I made it post-yoga for lunch on Friday afternooooonJ  The 'secret ingredient' to both the strawberry & blueberry smoothie is a 1/4 teaspoon of lemon zest, which really makes it magically taste like a baked product.  SOOOOOOOO GOOD!  Give both of em whirl!

We kept the rest of the weekend a balance of 'splurges & saves.'  The splurges being some brown butter coated popcorn on Saturday night, while we lounged around and played Mario PartyJ 
My Mom offered to take Katie for the night and in lieu of a wild night on the town (which, in our world, would really just be dinner & a movieJ), THIS was as far as we got to any partyinJ  hahahahahaha

We also savored up an Orange Saffron Cake for Sunday morning breakfast that Katie was VERY PROUD & excited to eat since she helped me make it...
A flourless orange-saffron cake topped with an orange, honey, saffron syrup, it was soooooo sweet, Springy and delicious!  We enjoyed every bite with NO LEFTOVERS since we made a 'quarter cake' recipeJ

And in the 'save' category, our dinners for Saturday & Sunday night were not one....

...but TWO rounds of lettuce-wrapped tacos! 
I was VERYCLOSE to having a 'moment of weakness' on Sunday night and asked Scott if he just wanted to order pizza.  Not because I REALLY wanted it, but because I just felt so BONE-TIRED after a day of cleaning out a room to make into Katie's new 'big girl' room that I just couldn't even fathom getting up to cook...even though I knew dinner was going to take less than 15 minutes to make!  (and if I only told you how much of that actual 'cleaning' involved me pointing and TELLING Scott where to move stuff/clean, you would wonder how I was so tired tooJ)  But Scott SAVED the BIKINI SERIES DAY and whipped up these tacos in no time...Hallelujah!    

Our two-big 'extra wins' with this recipe:  
  1. We made each night's worth of them with less than 1/2 pound of ground turkey per recipe (vs. the usual pound we would normally use)
  2. We swapped the sour cream for "Skinnygirl Sour Cream" which was just non-fat Greek yogurt mixed with a squeeze of lemon juice.  Now I'm not really a big fan of the sour cream/Greek yogurt swap ALL the time, but on these tacos, you HONESTLY could NOT tell the difference.  The lemon must cut the yogurt tang quite a bit, making it much more smooth & sour cream- like. 
The rest of the tacos were piled with avocado, a sprinkle (vs. a TORNADOJ) of reduced fat (I NEVER do non-fat!) shredded cheese, peppers, onions and black beans.  And when wrapped in a lettuce wrap (which I REALLY enjoy, actually), they make for a REALLY healthy/fun meal.  Again-there is TOTALLY a time & place for REGULAR sour cream, taco shells and all that fun stuff, but if you're not gonna REALLY miss them, why not just try a few of these swaps to just make em that much more healthy?  You can always have the FULL BLOWN tacos next time!J
Telling myself that I can ALWAYS have the 'full blown' stuff (and having it when I REALLY WANT IT!) at another meal keeps me from feeling deprived and wanting to try out the 'healthier variations' more often.  It totally makes the splurges & saves more easy to balance without any feelings of deprivation.  That, plus eating 5-times a day (on this series) keeps you full and your blood sugar balanced so you never really crash/feel super hungry leading you to be REALLYSTARVING by the time you pick what you're going to have when you sit down to eat.  And if you can stay out of 'that zone,' it's MUCH easier to make healthier/rational choices 98% of the time.  Definitely something I've noticed in the last 2 weeks of this Bikini Series.  ONTO Week 3! ...

Well, and after THAT ramble....

Have a good Monday, everyone! 

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