Tuesday, February 24, 2015

When life gives you cheese leftovers...

Monday Recap:

Workout #1:  Hatha Yoga class

Recipe from the sweet Chocolate Covered Katie blog, this oatmeal hit the spot on a coooooooold morning.  And thankfully it was filling because even though I grabbed that small handful of cashews before I ran to the gym, I was starving by the time I got home and it still took a lot of distraction after the oatmeal to wait until I felt full.  Esp since I knew I had a good lunch on tap...

Lunch:  1 Stuffed Cabbage
Yeah, NOT that whole plateJ  I finally split the 2 leftover rolls with my Mom for lunch, but the reheated version wasn't as pretty as the OG picJ hahahahha

We also split the TINY bit of kugel I saved for her to try...and I do mean TINY: 

FYI:  THIS was what it normally looked like and the above was all that remainedJ  
Told ya I LOVED that babyJ

 Snack:  Sprouted grain wheat toast with flax & butter

When you have leftovers from wine & cheese night, what do you do?  Make salad of course!  I took some chopped basil & mozzarella from my party remnants and added some diced avocado & sliced sundried tomatoes... 

...toss everything over shredded lettuce and drizzled with a bit of olive oil, sea salt & balsamic vinegar and you have dinner ready in under 10 minutes.  And this was a GOOD ONE!  It's been a LONG while since Salad Monday made its permanent return, but I think it could be an easy sell if we had THIS on tap every week.  We both were H-A-P-P-Y with this one.
And get ready for one more Caprese dinner for tonight since I'm DEFINITELY not letting that fresh basil get away from me.  It just smelled wayyyyyyyy too good.

Workout #2:  Zumba
So remember I told you last week how my friend from grade school got me to Zumba lately?  Well, now another friend from high school joined my gym (YAY!) and recruited me for Zumba LAST night too!  And since a dentist appointment was going to cut into my usual Monday night yoga, I was so excited for the 'extra' excuse to join her.  I feel like the universe is tryin to tell me somethin here with all this motivation to get there even though if you even SAW what I bundle myself up in to leave the gym, you would dieJ hahahahahhaa  Think BIG coat, hoodie, hat (WITH ear flaps...HOT!), gloves, scarf...yeah, it's prettyJ

And dessert?? 
Well, not ALL of those at onceJ  But I've been downing water like it's my job lately.  I'm chalking it up to all of the workouts, but it's been WAY easy meeting my daily water requirements lately.  I feel like when I'm drinking a lot of water, I drink MORE.  The rest of the time??  It's hard to even chug down a bottle!  Some weeks are just easier than others in ALL things, I suppose.

Well, off to do more party supply 'round up' today.  All the PINK is a callinJ

Have a great Tuesday!

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