Wednesday, February 11, 2015 I lied...

But first:  HI!  How are you guys??  Long time, no chat!

And even though my given reasons for my blogger break were partially true, the real reason for the hiatus was:


Yep, we're getting set for round #2 of baby around here and couldn't be more excited.  And terrified...but mostly excitedJ  And while yoga school & a more and more independent Katie were certainly a good excuse for a bit of a break, the real reason was that I could barely even LOOK or THINK about this blog for months.  I thought I'd get a bit of a break since morning sickness with Katie had been so bad, but that CERTAINLY was NOT the caseJ  It cropped up on Halloween night and rendered me to bed for nearly the entire months of November & December. (and that was ALL in thanks to Scott & my Mom who went above & beyond and took care of EVERYTHING for me those couple months.)  I DID recover enough to enjoy Christmas & New Years, but still felt lousy enough not to feel like delving in a daily food discussion for a bit longer.  I FINALLY feel like I've turned a corner (although it STILL comes and goes some days), but I think I might be feeling well enough to get back to it.  I've also gotten back to my exercise routines slow & steady after a two-month COMPLETE hiatus.  Some time around mid-December I toyed with the idea of doing a plank just to test my strength level, buttttttttt the thought of trying one ALONE made me nearly cry (as did even thinking about the word "quinoa"...shudder), so yeah-it's been a slow & steady build of strength over the past month & a half, but have been SOVERYHAPPY to get back to Power Yoga & dance, even if they're at about an 80-85% on a good day.

Soooooooo...I said all of that to say I think I'm gonna have a lot to share with you guys over the next few days and going into Valentines weekend!  We have our typical Valentines "road trip" meal planned (since...ummmm...the second week in JanuaryJ), but I'm still tossing around ideas for my home meal.  I'm thinking this year it might be something that is just AGREEABLE with my stomach (esp. since RICH foods are still the ULTIMATE nemesis)J hahahahahhahaha

SO, hope you guys are doing well and hopefully I'll be back to share some incredible eats I've had lately with you guys tomorrow!

Have a good Wednesday

And while I have you here, here are a few Valentines appropriate recipes you might enjoy making over the next few days:

RED Pasta
Heart Pizza
Sorta-Red Velvet Baked Donuts
Red Velvet Crepe Cake
Brownie Mix Truffles
Chocolate Cream-Filled Hearts
Valentines Pup Pancakes (for your furry Valentine)

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