Thursday Recap:
10:00am: Breakfast- Perfect Fit Pancake with maple syrup & strawberries
So HEY, check this out! The miracle of miracles: I actually made a NORMAL looking pancakeJ I feel like it's been so longJ
I'm WAY more of a 'savory' person and favor butter (eek!) & peanut butter (if you haven't noticedJ) on top of pancakes, but this fresh strawberry/maple drizzle topper was really good too...
Disclaimer: You may be seeing these pancakes a litttttle more often as I'm toying with the idea of trying out the Tone it up "7 Day slim down" to 'reset' my body a bit. I feel like my sweet tooth has been insatiable lately, even with small daily indulgences, so I'm thinking a 'detox'/reset might be the ticket. We'll see how brave I am when the time comesJ It's not extreme, just eating LOTS of the right things and NONE of the wrong things for a little bit.
12:30pm: Lunch- Apple Cider Vinegar Shot
So I think I'm fairly tolerable to trying things out 'for the greater good,' but I think I may have met my match with Apple Cider VinegarJ I hate it. There I said it. I HATE it. But I AM intrigued by the health benefits & it DOES give my body a healthy 'buzz,' which I can fool myself into thinking it's my metabolism running at optimal speedJ So in order to prevent SIPPING the DAMN thing for 20 minutes, I downed 2 teaspoons of ACV, 3 teaspoons water & a shot of cayenne and only hated my life for 20 SECONDS. MAN, it was INTENSEEEEE to the MAX.
The pic you see above is actually 1 of the shots I made out of the remainder of my cinnamon/honey water (see below), along with a tablespoon of ACV and a shake of cayenne. I downed one before breakfast and it was SLIGHTLY more palatable. I only hated my life about 5 seconds this timeJ I have enough for about two more shots and plan on taking them today before my lunch and dinner. Sighhhh...we'll seeJ
Oh yeah...and the rest of my lunch: Watermelon and salt & pepper pistachios (SO good!)
And to give you a point of reference to the size of the small ramekin, here ya go:
It holds a 1/2 cup of food perfect (perfect for indulgent treats). And for the record, 1/2 cup of pistachios in their shell is 160 calories.
3:30pm: Snack- Apple Vitatop with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter
Andddddd not sure if it was the shot of ACV OR the fact that watermelon + pistachios are a really good combo, but I wasn't really hungry at all yesterday afternoon. I wasn't even hungry as much as I was sluggish, that I knew I needed an energy boost.
6:00pm: Dinner- Green Spring Chili Fry Pie
I figured our "yearly tradition" of chili + french fries still falls into the "Fiesta" categoryJ Scott was SO excited about this fact that I think he asked me when we were having this about 10 times this weekJ
A layer of turkey/white bean and salsa chili...
...which, BTW, has evolved a bit from the now-hard-to-find tomatilla salsa to regular old salsa. This being our favorite brand...
...OH YEAH...and all of that is topped with FRENCH FRIES. Cause who doesn't want an excuse to eat french fries in the name of SPRING??
I kept my portions in check by using my salad-sized plate AND having a side salad. I figured the 'angel' outweighed 'the devil' in that dinner.
7:00-8:15pm: Hatha Yoga
And we went from a more 'powerful' class last week to a slooooooow one last night, which took on a more 'yin' tone where we held each move for 7 breaths. At least on top of a ton of leg stretches, we also held planks, chatarungas and side planks for a little extra power boost.
8:30pm: "Dessert"- Cinnamon Honey Water
As I mentioned above, I downed 1/2 of this for my 'dessert' last night while the remainder went into my morning 'shot.' ...Let me not get started on those shots againJ
Alrighty...well, that brings us to the end of the week! Hope you guys have a great one and happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there, especially MINE!J Love you, Mom!
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