Monday, December 2, 2013

Cinnamon & Santa...

Hey, everyone!  Very loooong time, no chat.  This past month has been both busy and sad with a very sudden loss in our family.  And by the time I was ready to go "back to blogging", Thanksgiving week snuck up on me and we were whipping to and fro between taking Katie to see Santa Claus...which went REALLY well...

...and devouring the holiday delights with this little turkey...

Pumpkin pie was her favoriteJ

After a VERY busy month and FUN-busy Thanksgiving, we enjoyed having the chance to relax and just be home together over the rest of the long weekend.  Friday brought our traditional pizza take-out after spending the day cleaning the house, which actually turned into TWO days this year.  PHEW!  By 5:30pm Saturday night, I had hit the wall and did not want to see ONE. MORE. THING. TO. CLEAN!  Even Katie got in the act...
(even if she spent most of our cleaning time on Friday and Saturday with Nona!  Thanks Mom!)

The rest of the weekend we were happy to just COOK AT HOME!  I feel like we haven't cooked for more than 2 days in a row nearly the whole month!  It felt very good.

Starting with some cinnamon-roll waffles on Thanksgiving morning...

I called these the "lazy man cinnamon rolls."  Cinnamon & brown sugar/butter drizzle and a spread of 'cream cheese frosting'...minus the dough-rising and rolling?  I'm OK with this.

All while keeping up with the Thanksgiving parade fun...

...which, of course, commenced with Santa.  Who Katie seemed to enjoy MUCH more at a 'safe distance'J...

Saturday night led to COMFORT FOOD 101 with one of our favorite (ALMOST) one-pot meals:  Pasta with cabbage & potatoes...

I was SO happy for my cutting board to see some action after a long-hiatusJ

Sunday morning saw some Spiced French Toast...
...which mixed cinnamon, ginger AND cloves in the egg wash.  YUM!  And for a topping, I whipped some butter with a little honey & powdered sugar.  Sweet & SpiceJ

After breakfast, we headed down to decorate our CHRISTMAS TREE!

Which turned into THE. CUTEST. MOMENT. IN. LIFE when Katie decided to get in on the action...

I thought she would just hang around and get in the way watch, but she figured out how to hang the ornaments and she got RIGHT INVOLVED!

Followed up with a quick observation of her handy work with DaddyJ
Now let's see how many of those ornaments stay in the same spot from now till JanuaryJ  My guess?  Not manyJ

We finished up the long weekend with another COZY, "family dinner":  Meatloaf, baked potatoes & roasted cauliflower... 
For the meatloaf, I mixed ground turkey with Lipton onion soup mix, an egg, about 1/2 cup of dry oats and a few shakes of Worcestershire.  I formed half the mixture in a pan before topping it with SHREDDED CHEESE, followed by the rest of the meat and a drizzle of ketchup.  OH MAN, one of our favorite meatloaves EVER!  That's gonna be hard to beat in the "our favorite things" category!

And between all of the cooking & cleaning, I also made sure to get myself to the gym this weekend.  I had been consistent all month long, minus Thanksgiving week....which only resulted in a beginner's power & gentle yoga combo class on Monday night.  After that?  Not much.  Which is SUCH a great idea when your eating MORE THAN USUAL. (sigh)  So Saturday morning, I got myself to CRAZY PSYCHOTIC Power yoga...where, last week I figured out I knew how to do a 1-leg tripod headstand...
...and after feeling confident enough to have a PHOTO SHOOT of said-move, this week the teacher decided to throw in the suggestion of transitioning this into a 1-leg CROW.  WHAAAAAAAAAAA????  Leave it to yoga to think you've reached a goal, only to create a BIGGER ONE!  Always something to strive for, I supposeJ

And even though I was COMPLETELY beat up from Saturday's yoga craziness, I got myself to boxing class RIGHT after tree decorating Sunday morning.  How's that for juxtaposition?  Yoga left me crazy sore and boxing left me crazy EXHAUSTED...but it felt great minus the limping and sore knuckles.

Alrighty, well I better get started with my day.  And by started I mean checking out these cyber Monday sales & keeping up with my CHRISTMAS decorating.  I can already tell this month is going to go WAY too fast!

Have a great Monday!J

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