Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Chili & Chilly...

 Tuesday Recap:

Workout:  2 sets arms & squats 

Breakfast:  Oatmeal with strawberry jam + almonds 
Ummmm...technical difficulties that I can't get this picture to flip for the life of me!  Oh well...hopefully one of my 3 leftover bowls of this recipe will photograph uprightJ

Snack:  Apple + 1 tablespoon peanut butter

Snack:  Luna Coconut bar

Dinner:  Tone it Up Pumpkin Turkey Chili 
When I saw this recipe on the Bikini Series menu for week 8, I scoffed.  Chili?  IN JUNE???  Who wants that??  Especially considering last week I waved the white flag on cooking TWICE cause it was JUST TOO DAMN HOT!  But how bout this week in Jersey is a chilly & overcast mid-60's (which now feel like 40's!), making this dinner COMPLETELY appropriate.  And it's a good thing since the recipe above makes EIGHT servings.  Perfect for a couple quick lunches & dinners this week.  Good thing the rest of the week's forecast is just as chilly as it's been so farJ

And because it was so darn chilly out, I was craving something warm & cozy once I hit the couch.  I found this warm milk/banana/cinnamon/vanilla/honey drink on my Pinterest board and quickly whipped it up.  It came a little thicker than a drink, but far be it from me to complain about eating anything with a spoon (smoothie bowls, much??)  Nice & cozy.

Have a great Wednesday!

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