Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Back to buisness...

Morning, ALL!  Happy September to you guys!  I'm SO SORRY I dropped off the face of the earth for a minute thereJ  Scott had a vacation week last week and I don't think we stopped moving (or eating) the entire timeJ  We had PLENTY of trips to the beach...

...outdoor lunches...

...Katie's first bites of boardwalk funnel cake...

...and various OTHER boardwalk treatsJ...

...celebrating Nona's LAST DAY OF WORK!...

...rooting for Michigan on their first game of the season (to success!):...

...another gal's night painting  (also a success, since I liked this pic INFINITELY more than the last oneJ)...

...and a RIDICULOUSLY fun day with my family, who gathered at my Aunt's house to welcome my visiting cousin from Rhode Island...

OH YEAH...and EATING EVERYTHING KNOWN TO MAN, starting with a MEAT TASTING PLATTER for Scott's (belated) birthday celebration at Bitter Bob's in New Hope...

...and, my God, you don't even want to KNOW how much else besides!  So much so, that by the end of the week/weekend, "junk food" was no longer that much of a treat or terribly appealing.  The funny thing was, after thinking about it this week, EVERY year I think summer is going to be SUCH an easy/lean time from the excessive amount of fresh fruits & vegetables laying around and yet I think I have 'weight issues' EVERY summer.  Probably a lot of it has to do with us being 'on the go/wanting to go out' more than the rest of the year.  And if I'm being honest with myself AND you, EVERY meal I had out COULD have been on the healthier end of the scale, but I get lazy and just tend to have what I want WITHOUT much thought, which is CERTAIN DEATH of my healthy eating mindset.  I'm wondering if I go into summer KNOWING it's a trouble spot NEXT year, if I can avoid the weight gain and start FALL off on a better foot.  (Just ackowledging this HAS seemed to work well around Christmas time, which I know is another trouble trap for me)  We'll see...but it was CERTAINLY an interesting and eye-opening observation.  

And all that said, I'm BEYOND RIDICULOUSLY READY (I was BEYOND ready over a MONTH ago and could just never get my footing back completely), to get back to business...one that DOES NOT involve Chinese food, pizza, ice cream & cheeseburgers...ALL of which were consumed in EXCESSIVE quantities the last few weeks.  The thing that drives me COMPLETELY crazy is that I KNOW I can still have ALL of those things, as long as I'm MINDFUL of portions and more often than not, pick the healthier option of those choices.  It's only when I get mentally lazy (at least I've still been on my same workout routine, so I haven't gotten PHYSICALLY lazy...hallelujah for small favors), that it causes me problems that seem to snowball (mostly around my waistJ)  So now it's time to get back to picking the healthier option 85+% of the time and REALLY cutting back on those treats...like, A LOT.  Like, I don't even want to LOOK at ice cream at the moment...and hopefully that moment lasts me a good 6 monthsJ  Hahahhahhahhaa

Well, all that chatter as I'm sure EVERY ONE'S ready to get back to SOME type of business as this FALL season approaches....

...oh, and in case you're wondering, NJ had an absolutely BLISSFUL summer and I REALLY enjoyed all of it and all of the beach & family fun it brought this year.  That was until SUNDAY, where the temperature SKYROCKETED from a MONTH of mid-80's to mid-90's.  This has sent me to hibernate in my air conditioner, hoping it passes SOON.  It took me being outside for all of 2 minutes yesterday to remember the parts of summer I am NOT a fan of, how much I didn't miss them and how I'm SOOOO ready for the hot days to be a distant memory, as it is now SEPTEMBER and I can't even decorate properly!  NOT in this heat, at leastJ  Hopefully next week will usher in some niceeeeeee mid-70's, and with that, ALL of my pumpkins & orange accents  (please, please???)

OK...that is BEYOND enough from me!  Do you still miss me yet?? JJ

Have a wonderful, BACK TO BUSINESS, Tuesday!J

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