So Katie's birthday weekend went off without a hitch...
..OK, make that ONE HITCH: An ice storm that rolled through our area and came out of near nowhere on Sunday afternoon. Grrrrrrrrrr...but we couldn't have been more grateful to all our family & friends that trudged right on through to celebrate the day with usJ
My Mom & I had so much fun Sunday morning when we got to see all of the little details we had planned finally come together...
We even were able to get Katie in on the action, helping up decorate the cupcakes on Saturday afternoon...
And who could blame her that, after we tormented her with cupcakes in her face ALL day on Saturday, that she couldn't help sneaking a bite of treats before the party really started on Sunday morning...J
And, of course, our favorite part was seein all of the kids running around having A BLAST! That was THE ONLY thing we needed to celebrate. They all had so much fun togetherJ
Definitely a day for the books and one I'll remember foreverJ Makes all those tough and LONNNGGGGGGG days worth it x's a ZILLIONJ
And of course we had MORE celebrating to do yesterday, on her actual birthday. Starting with a requested pancake breakfast....
Followed by a trip to our current fav, The Kibitz Room, where Katie CRACKED us up by housing CORNED BEEF... HUH??
I guess one can only survive on cupcake frosting for so longJ We couldn't get over how much she enjoyed it. Whatever her head tells her, I supposeJ I'll take itJ
And here's my ONE actually food picture of the day, which was my lunch of a Reuben hot dog...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....
I had been wishing for a hot dog for about 3 months and this one totally hit the spot, topped with sauerkraut, Russian dressing and my requested swap of American cheese over traditional Swiss. Scott said he knew I liked it when he still had half a sandwich (same one as last time) left and mine was already G-O-N-E!J
And, of course, after it was time for the BIG GUNS...
The Kibitz Room's EPIC portioned desserts seemed like the PERFECT way to say "Happy Birthday" and Katie was VERY happy to pick out this confetti cookie for her special treat. (And NO WORRIES, we took about 90% of it homeJ)
And even though Scott & I had been dreaming about sampling their Red Velvet & marble cake since our last visit, we both felt like we hit our SUGAR MAX by Sunday afternoon and just COULDN'T. DO. IT. I'm sure we'll be back soon enough...especially since I could go for one of those hot dogs again RIGHT now. ( 8:30amJ)
And finally it was time for what Katie had been looking forward to for DAYS: Digging for dinosaurs bones at the Garden State Discovery Museum in Cherry Hill, NJ!
That and about a zillion different other things since she didn't slow down a BEAT for 2 1/2 hours...
"Let's go somewhere else!" was heard after 5 minutes at each play station, since there is SO much to do...
I may or may not have had just as much fun watching her and she did running aroundJ Love those types of places where you can just let em ROAM FREE. BONUS was that we even got FREE admission through our local library. NJ folks, check your local library's websites to see what local attractions offer free passes. You can't freakin beat FREE, especially in this day & age where even going to THE MOVIES can break the bank.
OK, OK...sorry this was SUPER kid overload today! I'll be back to my regularly scheduled program tomorrow. And by regularly scheduled program, I mean: AN EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF GREEEEEEEEEEEEN! Since this ENTIRE weekend went to pieces after doing pretty darn good lately. I feel like I haven't had one nutritious thing to eat since Friday. MORE than ready to get back at it today, with NO SUGAR ADDEDJ
Have a great Tuesday, everyone!
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