Friday, April 21, 2017

Thy middle name is hope...

Welcome to Friday, folks....ahhhhh, sweet bliss❤  And thinking about how I was going to leave you some peace here today to kick off your weekend, I realized I would be remiss if I don't mention the latest (FREE) Deepak Chopra & Oprah mediation series that is happening now and it is just GLORIOUS.
Oprah & Deepak 21 Day Meditation Experience
I'm just wrapping up the first week and this one just speaks to MA SOUL.  If I'm nothing else in this life, I'm definitely HOPEFUL and I just FEEL every word of this wonderful series.  Give it a try, if that's your sort of thing😉

And now the rest of my little inspo for you...
I really like this quote, but I don't think this would truly take just one day. You'll have to fight for much longer, survive for much longer, persevere for much longer. And the truth is some of us won't get there. The world is too unforgiving for that. However, I do believe that even if we never reach a position where we can stop caring, friends and family will be the comfort you need.:

Favorite gratitude quote hold tight to gratitude especially during the times when you feel you have lost all hope...:

#yoga #inspiration:

"Ego says, “Once everything falls into place, I’ll find peace.” Spirit says, “Find your peace, and then everything will fall into place.”" - Marianne Williamson:

And this one just resonated SO DEEP, realizing how much we take all these little wonderful, joyful moments for granted....
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The more gratitude we have for these simple gifts, the more gifts we tend to receive.  
And the more gratitude and joy you radiate out to the world, the world pays you back with an abundance of those gifts.

Have a great weekend!

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As always...thanks for reading!
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