Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Yoga fun...

Morning, all!  Hope you guys had a great weekend!  I actually don't have too much to show you on the food front from the weekend, but should be back up & running with recaps tomorrow.  The only 'food related' pic I managed to get from the weekend was from a 'Girls & Moms night' weekend out at Mafalda's...including our 'newest' girl memberJ
Photo: Girl's night out󾍇
My BFF and our Mom's spent too much time talking about what we were going to do during the Christmas season to worry about taking pictures of our excellent dinner.  

(I don't even need to preface that I'm not kidding here, huh??)

Annnyyywaaayyyy, in the meantime I thought I'd show you a couple of my yoga videos I've taken the last couple weeks (and my apologies to my peeps who have already seen these 965 timesJ)  Thought you might like to see some work/progress of late...

Gotta keep it fun & fancy, right?

So I better run and get started on prepping for a little celebration tonightJ  Someone in this house is turning the big 4-0!  Weeeeeeee!  Katie & I better get to bakingJ

Have a great Tuesday!J

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